Labsens Proficiency Scheme Management

We work closely with our global FMCG clients to arrange relevant test materials that are unidentifiable by the laboratories within the client company. We prepare the samples and standards as per client instructions, manage the logistics globally, provide the LabSens portal and training on use of portal.

The materials are tested by each participating laboratory and results inputted into the LabSens portal where the results are analysed and reported by LabSens team as requested by the client. There is no restriction on the number of samples, locations in the globe, or frequency of testing.

Through detailed reporting provided by LabSens, relevant laboratory personnel are informed of the performance of their laboratory relative to other laboratories within their organisation and Managers of the scheme can review overall performance across an array of headlines as requested
Benefits of Proficiency

Verify methods & Instrumentation

Compare results with your
global sites



Educate and
train staff
How does LabSens manage your proficiency scheme?
Prepare relevant test materials (as chosen by you) in multiple quantities for analysis by each of your chosen laboratories/participating plants.
Communicate with the plants to inform them of their enrolment in the proficiency scheme
Train relevant personnel on use of the LabSens portal for results entry
Arrange shipping of the Proficiency kits containing all the test materials (including standards)
Inform participating plants of the timelines of the scheme – open and close dates of the scheme
Analyse inputted results and report results at detailed and topline levels as requested by you.
Frequency of rounds per annum and the materials to be tested are determined by you and the needs of your business.
Working with you
Following preparation of initial batch of test materials in LabSens laboratory facilities, we liaise with you for validation of specification prior to sample dispatch to all participating laboratories. The quantity of samples dispatched is determined by laboratory size and sensitivity of test materials on opening. Samples are labelled in code to ensure the products are not identifiable by the participants.
Dispatch of samples/test materials
LabSens use approved couriers for dispatch of all proficiency kits and oversee the shipping and delivery of each kit to participating laboratories across the globe. Customised, sustainable packaging is used to protect all test materials throughout the delivery phase. All prices are quoted as delivery and duties paid.
Communication with participating laboratories - LabSens Portal
Laboratory test methods are supplied by you and included in our LabSens portal where they can be viewed by participating laboratories following receipt of specific username and password per participant from LabSens. Any queries on use of the portal and delivery of proficiency kits are handled by LabSens. Queries related to laboratory methodology are directed to client.
Opening and closing date of each round is communicated clearly with participating laboratories and LabSens inform participants of the closing date by sending e-mail reminders as close date approaches to encourage participation by all plants. Results cannot be submitted after the deadline date unless the date is extended by you.
Results Entry
Entry of results is typically linked with laboratory analyst and/or specific laboratory instrumentation as provided by you. Our LabSens portal allows text entry to report any anomalies to this information and this is noted in later reporting.
All samples are tested in duplicate and so results of both tests are entered per sample using the code on the label.
Reporting of Results
LabSens produce customised reports depending on your requirements. Options include Z-scores, Youden profile, standard deviation or trending charts for comparison of round to round, laboratory vs. laboratory, region vs region or analyst performance presented in dashboard format.